Secure Facilities


TFI supports extending the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) program developed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for another seven years as well as additional legislation that expands its scope to mandate safer technologies.

TFI supports the implementation of Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) requirements along with making the TWIC card a universal security credential.


The Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards program sets risk-based performance standards for high-risk chemical facilities. The vast number of fertilizer production and storage facilities meet the criteria established within CFATS and TFI works closely with the DHS to implement and promote continued compliance with CFATS regulations.

The Transportation Worker Identification Credential is part of the 2002 Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA). It is a security measure designed to further secure restricted areas within our nation’s maritime transportation hubs so they are not accessed by dangerous individuals. Requirements include the use of fingerprint-based ID cards for any and all unescorted employees or visitors.