Exhibitor Terms and Conditions

Terms of Agreement: It is understood that the following terms and conditions are accepted as a contract between The Fertilizer Institute (“TFI”) and Exhibitors who have completed an Exhibit Booth and/or Sponsorship Application Form (the “Exhibitor”) to rent exhibit space at the 2024 Agronomy Conference and Expo (the “Event”). TFI and the Exhibitor may each be referred to as a “Party” or collectively, as the “Parties”. It is agreed that Exhibitor will abide by the rules and regulations as contained within these terms and conditions (the “Agreement”) before, during and after the Event, and by any and all agreements made by and between TFI and the Event Location and any and all rules of the Event Location. TFI shall have the sole authority to interpret and enforce all rules and regulations included herein, to make any amendments thereto, and to make further rules and regulations as necessary to ensure the orderly conduct of the Event. The Parties hereby agree and acknowledge that any waiver of or failure to exercise any right provided for herein shall not be deemed a waiver of any further or future right under this Agreement.

2. Assignment of Exhibit Space: TFI has established an Exhibitor First Right of Refusal System to allocate exhibit space. Exhibitors will be given First Right of Refusal to select their booth, process the contract and pay by March 30, 2024. After that day booths will be open for general sale.

3. Exhibit Space Rental Rates: All spaces are 10’ x 10’ in size. Unless otherwise agreed, rental fees are $2500.00 for both and two registrations. Additional assets are available per the exhibitor/sponsor prospectus. Premium exhibit spaces are reserved for Premium exhibitors and are assigned at TFI’s

discretion. Each exhibitor is allowed a maximum of four spaces. In exchange for rental of exhibit space at the Event under the terms specified herein, Exhibitor agrees to remit the applicable payment at the time of submission of the Exhibit Booth and Sponsorship Reservation Form.

4. Subleasing: Exhibitors may not sublet their exhibit space, nor any part thereof, nor exhibit, offer for sale, or advertise articles not manufactured or sold by the Exhibitor in the regular course of business, except where such articles are necessary for proper demonstration or operation of the Exhibitor’s display, in which case the identification shall be limited to the manufacturer’s regular nameplate. Exhibitors may not permit non-exhibiting company representatives to operate from their booth.This booth rental is for exclusive use of Exhibitor’s company and its products and services. Rulings of TFI shall, in all instances, be final with regard to use of exhibit space.

5. Occupancy Default: Any exhibitor failing to occupy space contracted for shall not be relieved of the obligation of paying the full rental charge of such space. If not occupied by the time set for completion of the installation of the displays, such space shall be taken by TFI, and reallocated or reassigned for such purposes or use as TFI may see fit.

6. Cancellation or Change of Exposition: In the event that the St. Louis Union Station Hotel in which the Event is conducted should become unfit for occupancy or substantially interfered with by reason of any cause or causes not reasonably within the control of TFI or its agents, the Event may be canceled or moved to another appropriate location, at the sole discretion of TFI. TFI shall not be responsible for delays, damage, loss, increased costs, or other unfavorable conditions arising directly or indirectly by virtue of a cause or causes not reasonably within the control of TFI. Causes for such action beyond the control of TFI shall include, but are not limited to: fire, casualty, flood, epidemic, earthquake, explosion, accident, blockage, embargo, inclement weather, governmental restraints, orders or regulations, act of a public enemy, riot or civil disturbance, impairment or lack of adequate

transportation, inability to secure sufficient labor, technical or other personnel, labor union disputes, loss of lease or other termination by Event Location, municipal, state or federal laws, or acts of God. Should TFI terminate this Agreement pursuant to the provisions of this section, the exhibitor waives any and all claims for damage arising thereof. Refunds in the event of termination shall be made to Exhibitors in the amount of the original exhibit fees less prorated adjustments based on TFI costs incurred from staging and/or relocating the Event.

7. Cancellation by Exhibitor: In the event of cancellation by Exhibitor, TFI shall determine an assessment covering the reassignment of space, prior services performed, and other damages related to cancellation, according to the following schedule: After March 30, 2024, 100% of total booth rental/sponsorship space fee. These fees apply in the event of Exhibitor cancellation or failure to participate for any reason whatsoever. Cancellation fees will NOT be applied to any other past, current, or future charges incurred by Exhibitor and are non-transferable. Exhibitor will not receive a credit from any revenue later generated by reuse of the reserved space by TFI. Exhibitor shall also forfeit all exhibitor privileges, including but not limited to:First Right of Refusal for booth selection; hotel rooms reserved; exhibit Booth Personnel badges and customer coupon codes, access sponsor speaking slots; and access to sponsorships and advertising opportunities, as well as removal of company listing from the Exhibit Buyers’ Guide and website.

8. Limitation of Liability: TFI shall not be liable, and Exhibitor agrees to make no claim for any reason whatsoever against TFI, TFI’s official exhibit services provider or Event Location, for loss, theft, damage, or destruction of goods; nor for any injury, including death, to himself, employees, agents or representatives; nor for any damage of any nature, including damage to his business for failure to provide exhibit space; nor for failure to hold the Event as scheduled; nor for any action or omission of TFI. Exhibitor is solely responsible for its own exhibition materials and products, and should insure exhibit and products from loss or damage from any cause whatsoever. It is understood that all property

of Exhibitor is in their care, custody, and control in transit to, or from, or within the confines of the St. Louis Union Station Hotel and the exhibit hall. TFI shall bear no responsibility for the safety of Exhibitor, their personnel, employees, agents or representatives or personal property.

9. Insurance: Exhibitors shall, at their sole cost and expense, procure and maintain through the term of this Agreement, the following insurance: Comprehensive General Liability insurance with limits not less than $1,000,000 including Contractual Liability and Products Liability coverage and Workman’s Compensation in full compliance with all laws covering the Exhibitor’s employees. Such insurance shall name the following as additional insureds: Agronomy Conference and Expo, TFI, PAQ, Event Location, and their respective members, officers, agents, and employees. Proof of such insurance shall be provided to TFI or its agent or representative upon request.

10. Installing, Exhibiting, Dismantling: Hours and dates for installing, exhibiting and dismantling shall be those specified by TFi. Exhibitor shall be liable for all storage and handling charges resulting from failure to remove exhibit material for the Event before the specified conclusion of the dismantling period set by TFI. Exhibitors are required to adhere to Event hours. No early breakdown will be permitted. If Exhibitor leaves the Event before teardown time, it will result in a fine of $1,000 as well as possible exclusion from future participation at TFI’s sole discretion.

11. Damage to Property: Exhibitor is liable for any damage caused to building floors, walls, or columns, or to standard booth equipment, or to other exhibitor’s property by Exhibitor, its exhibit materials, or its employees or agents. Exhibitor may not apply paint, lacquer, adhesive or other coatings to building columns, floors or walls, or to standard booth equipment. Any property destroyed or damaged by an Exhibitor must be restored to original condition by Exhibitor at the Exhibitor’s expense.

12. Flammable Materials: No flammable fluids or materials of any nature, including decorative materials, use of which is prohibited by national, state, or city fire regulations, may be used in any booth.

13. Noise and Odors: Noisy or obstructive work will not be permitted during open hours of the Event, nor will noisily operating displays, nor exhibits producing objectionable odors. InfoAg shall have sole discretion in determining what is noisy, obstructive or objectionable.

14. Obstruction of Aisles or Booths: Any demonstration or activity that results in excessive obstruction of aisles or prevents ready access to nearby exhibitors’ booths shall be suspended for any periods specified by InfoAg.

15. Attendance: Admission policies shall remain, at all times, the prerogative of TFI and may be revised or amended to suit unforeseen conditions.

16. Booth Personnel – Registration and Code of Conduct: Two exhibitors will be issued complimentary Full Conference registrations with each 10’ x 10’ space purchased. This badge allows access to all Conference functions open to Conference registrants. Any additional booth personnel must be registered for the Conference as Full Conference registrants or Additional Booth Personnel. Booth Personnel shall wear furnished Conference badge identification at all times while they are in the exhibit area. TFI reserves the right to restrict or limit the number of booth representatives. All exhibits must have personnel present during show hours. All exhibitors and their representatives will be held by TFI to the highest standards of personal and professional conduct. Exhibitor and its representatives agree not to disturb the activities of other exhibitor representatives, disturb or harass other exhibitors or Event attendees, precipitate the intervention of hotel security or public law enforcement, or in any other way disrupt the smooth operation of the Event. TFI reserves the right to determine in its sole judgment when an Exhibitor and/or its representative has violated the standards of conduct, and to take whatever

action TFI deems necessary to protect the safety of Event attendees and the public, up to and including immediate termination of the Exhibitor’s exhibit privileges, expulsion from the Event Location, and barring of the Exhibitor from future exhibition with TFI.

17. Height and Non-Blocking Regulations: All exhibit display construction design must conform to the regulations set forth in the information supplied to Exhibitor by TFI’s official exhibit services provider.

18. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA): Exhibitor is solely responsible for ensuring that its booth fully complies with the ADA.

19. Display: TFI shall have full authority for approval or arrangement and appearance of items displayed. TFI may, at its discretion, require replacement, rearrangement, or redecoration of any item or any booth, and no liability shall attach to TFI for the costs that may be incurred by Exhibitor thereby. Exhibitors with special backgrounds or side dividers must make certain that such material is furnished in such a manner as to not be unsightly to exhibitors in adjoining booths. If such surfaces remain unfinished before the scheduled opening of the show, TFI shall authorize the official decorator to effect the necessary finish and the Exhibitor must pay all charges involved thereby. TFI shall have the right to exclude or require modification of any display or demonstration at Exhibitor’s expense which, in TFI’s sole discretion, it considers not proper or otherwise in keeping with the character of the Event. Exhibitors shall be bound by the decisions of TFI in all matters related to the Event.

20. Indemnification: Exhibitor agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless TFI, the Event Location, and their respective employees, agents, or representatives from and against any and all liabilities, losses, expenses (including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees), damages, claims (including, but not limited to, claims for injury to Exhibitor, its employees, agents, representatives, or Event attendees), suits, demands, judgments and causes of action of any nature arising from or as a result of

(i) the negligent performance of Exhibitor’s obligations under this Agreement by Exhibitor, Exhibitor’s agents, employees or representatives; (ii) the failure of Exhibitor, Exhibitor’s agents, employees or representatives to comply with any term or condition of this Agreement; and/or (iii) the breach of any representation or warranty given or made by Exhibitor. InfoAg will have no liability whatsoever for any indirect, consequential, special or incidental damages, regardless of how those damages are incurred.

21. Intellectual Property: License and Infringement: Exhibitor is responsible for obtaining all necessary licenses and permits to use music, photographs, or other copyrighted material in exhibit booths or displays. No Exhibitor will be permitted to play, broadcast, or perform music or display any other copyrighted material, such as photographs or other artistic works, without first presenting to show management satisfactory proof that the Exhibitor has, or does not need, a license to use such music or copyrighted material. TFI condemns intellectual property infringement and counterfeiting; however, as a neutral organizer of the Event, TFI cannot become involved in exhibitor disputes or provide legal advice. Exhibitor agrees not to sue or threaten to sue TFI for contributory infringement or any other theory that TFI is indirectly or secondarily liable for a violation of intellectual property rights (e.g., trademark, copyright, or patent) by a third party. Exhibitor warrants that it is the owner or licensee of all intellectual property used by Exhibitor at the Event or in promotion thereof. Exhibitor agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless TFI, their officers, directors, employees and agents, harmless from all loss, cost claims, causes of action, obligations, suits, damages, liability expenses, and costs including attorney’s fees arising from or out of any dispute involving intellectual property owned or used by Exhibitor at the Event or in promotion thereof.

22. Waiver of Rights: Any rights of TFI under this contract shall not be deemed waived in any manner except as specifically waived in writing and signed by an authorized officer of TFI.

23. Relocation and Floor Plan Revisions: TFI retains the exclusive right to revise the exhibition hall floor plan and/or move assigned exhibitors as necessary.

24. Amendment and Additional Rules: Any matters not specifically covered by the preceding rules shall be within the sole purview of TFI. TFI may, at any time, amend or add further rules to these terms. TFI reserves the right to reject any application, or cancel any contract, for exhibit space for any reason.

25. Agreement to Rules: Exhibitor, for himself or itself, his or its personnel, employees, agents or representatives, agrees to abide by the foregoing rules and those provided and contained in the Exhibitor Prospectus, and by any amendments and additional rules that may be put into effect by TFI.