2013 D

Grower: John Scates (Pat Scates and Sons Farm)
Retailer: Mike Wilson (Wabash Valley FS)
State: Illinois

John Scates of Pat Scates and Sons Farmand his family operate a 17,000-acre corn, soybean, grain sorghum and wheat operation. They work with Mike Wilson (Wabash Valley FS).

What John says about the4Rs:

“The soil is our most important asset. Pat Scates and Sons use the 4Rs to help protect the farming operation and the environment. This translates into using only what we need yet maximizing our profit and our efficiency. The 4Rs also help our farm to convey a positive message to our peers and our consumers that we are conscientious about the environment in which we farm.”

What Mike says about the 4Rs:

“The 4Rs have always been an important component of how our crop specialists address nutrient management with our growers. Now, with Illinois’ KIC 2025, the 4Rs are even more critical to helping our growers adhere to guidelines to ensure good water quality in our watersheds.”