Tune in to the Fertilizer 101 Podcast for Episode 3: Exploring AAPFCO’s Role with Nick Young

Fertilizer 101: Exploring AAPFCO’s Role with Nick Young

Join host Morgaine Mertz-Myers on “Fertilizer 101” for an enlightening conversation with Nick Young, Environmental Program Manager at the California Department of Food & Agriculture. With his extensive experience since 2007 and active involvement in AAPFCO since 2008, including a stint as AAPFCO President, Nick brings a wealth of knowledge about the role and importance of this organization in the fertilizer industry.

This episode looks into the critical function of AAPFCO (American Plant Food Control Officials), highlighting its efforts to ensure safe, effective, and properly labeled fertilizer products. Learn about the significance of accurate labeling for consumer transparency, the necessity of state involvement in AAPFCO, and recent collaborations in the realm of biostimulants.

Nick’s insights offer a behind-the-scenes look at fertilizer regulation and its impact on plant health, the environment, and our communities. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of what goes into the products that nourish our soil. Tune in to this engaging episode, available on Spotify, iHeartRadio, and Spreaker, and become more informed about the fascinating world of fertilizers. Subscribe now to “Fertilizer 101” and stay updated on future episodes!

Tune in to the Fertilizer 101 Podcast for Episode 2: Our Special Global Fertilizer Day Podcast

Join us in celebrating Global Fertilizer Day on October 13th with our “Fertilizer 101” podcast!

We’re thrilled to have TFI President and CEO Corey Rosenbusch as our guest. In this episode, we discuss the importance of Global Fertilizer Day, the impact of the Haber-Bosch process on our modern world, and ways you can join the festivities. Whether you’re deeply rooted in the industry or simply curious about the magic behind flourishing gardens, this episode promises a wealth of knowledge.

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Tune in to the Fertilizer 101 Podcast for Episode 1: Fertilizer & Railway Safety

Ever wonder how the fruits, veggies, and grains that feed our nation get the nutrients they need? The answer lies in fertilizers. But have you thought about how these crucial substances get to where they’re needed safely and efficiently? This week on the Fertilizer 101 Podcast, we’re shifting tracks to focus on an issue that impacts us all: Railway Safety.

Episode 1: Fertilizer & Railway Safety

Why Should You Care?

Railways are the veins that connect the heart of our agricultural centers to the rest of the country. Safe transport of fertilizer isn’t just a farmer’s concern—it affects us all!

What’s on the Agenda?

  • The importance of regulations for transporting potentially hazardous materials
  • The safety measures taken to ensure railway safety
  • Regulations and innovations we can expect for the future

Don’t let this train of knowledge pass you by! Listen to Fertilizer 101, and get on board with railway safety today!